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Teeth implant techniques:

There are two techniques of teeth implants: endosteal implant and subperiosteal implant

The main difference is that the endosteal implants are placed directly into the jaw bone “inside the bone”, whereas in subperiosteal implants they are placed under the gum “on top of the bone”.

Endosteal implants are more commonly used because they provide a better long-lasting result. Yet they require a good amount of bone density for insertion. So, if the patient doesn’t have enough healthy jaw bones, then the suitable choice would be the subperiosteal implants.

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How is this procedure done?

The dentist will place a metal screwlike post in the place where the damaged tooth was and then attach it to an artificial tooth that looks and functions just like the real ones.

Before the operation:

First of all, the dentist will take a complete dental and medical evaluation (maybe a dental X-ray or CT is required) to establish a plan for your condition.

The instruction before the operation may vary depending on the kind of anesthesia you’ll go under. For example, if the anesthesia is local, you can have a healthy breakfast on the morning of the surgery, but if it is local anesthesia, you should fast for 12 hours before the surgery.

Your dentist might prescribe you antibiotics before the surgery if needed.

You might have to quit or reduce smoking as it lowers the success of dental implants because it can slow healing.

Steps inside the operation

the procedure is done in two parts:

The first one (which is done under local anesthesia) is to put the implant’s post in the jawbone and then stitch the gum above it. (If your jawbone is too thin you might need a bone graft before starting)

Then you’ll have to wait for 3 to 8 months until the bone ingrowth into the metal post (this process is called osseointegration) in the meanwhile a denture can be placed for appearance.

The second part is to put the “abutment” which will hold the crown eventually (also usually under local anesthesia)

After your gum is healed the crowns (artificial teeth) can be placed. And here you can choose whether you want it to be removable or fixed.

During this process, you might need to take pain relievers and antibiotics as well as eating soft food while the treated site heals.

Sometimes the osseointegration doesn’t succeed, in this case, the post will be removed and the procedure will be repeated after a few months.

Candidates for teeth implants

A good candidate should have good oral health and hygiene, adequate jawbone to support the implants, no periodontal teeth and healthy gum tissues, and the patient should be older than 18 years so that hisher jawbone has stopped growing.

Overall, most people are good candidates for this procedure.

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