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Eyelid Surgery Techniques

There are multiple techniques in achieving the best eye look

There is upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, transcutaneous (sub ciliary) or transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

The upper blepharoplasty: it’s the most popular one. The incision is in the crease of the upper lid to extract any excess skin or fat in this area.

This technique includes Asian eyelid surgery

The lower blepharoplasty includes these two techniques: transcutaneous and transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Either way this can’t treat fine lines so you will need laser or chemical peels

Transcutaneous technique: is used when the excess skin is significant. The incision is done under the eyelashes.

This technique carries a rare complication which is the lower lid being pulled down (lid retraction) or turned out (ectopia).

Transconjunctival technique: the incision here is through the inside tissue in the conjunctiva so it leaves no visible scar which is an important advantage for some people.

Yet it’s not recommended if the condition requires skin removal (only fat). Or, if the patient has poor lower lid elasticity.

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What is Eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure in which any excess fat, skin or muscles are removed to improve the appearance of the eye.

Before the surgery

At the first visit to your doctor, you will be examined and your medical, surgical, medication history will be taken. the doctor will discuss your expectations and make an individual plan for you.

you will have to stop eating after midnight the night before surgery.

Some blood tests will be done.

You should stop some medication like aspirin and other NSAIDs.

You have to stop smoking at least for six weeks as smoking increase complications during surgery.

You should stay hydrated to speed the recovery process.

You’ll need to take a week off from work and rest.

Steps inside the eyelid surgery

First, you’ll go under general or local anesthesia depending on your doctor’s judgment.

your eyelid will be sterilized then the surgeon will make the incisions

if it is an upper eyelid surgery the incisions will be along the eyelid crease in places as camouflaged as possible.

Excess fat, skin and muscles will be removed then the incisions will be closed.

When it is a lower eyelid surgery the incision will be either inside the lower eyelid or below the eyelashes depending on the technique used. And the surgeon might support the muscles of the eyelid if needed.

Usually, the surgery takes about one to two hours.


Patients who are:

  • Adults above 18 years old

  • Do not have serious diseases and are in good health

  • Non-smoker

  • Has hooded eyes, eye bags, Asian eyelids, any excess skin or fat in the eyelid area or other similar problems.

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