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Facelift Techniques

There are three main types when talking about a facelift

There is a non-invasive procedure, minimally invasive and surgical

The non-invasive procedures are simpler procedures that can be done in the doctor’s clinic but their results are not permanent like Botox, filler…etc.

The surgical procedure which carries a more long-lasting result

And the minimally invasive is in between the previous two as it can give more permanent results yet easier and less complex than the surgery like the RFAL technique (radiofrequency assisted liposuction)

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What is facelift

It is a cosmetic procedure that uses multiple techniques depending on your preference, your final goal, your condition and the doctor’s opinion to reduce wrinkles, saggy skin, frown lines and rejuvenate your skin

It can tighten the “jowls” which means the excess skin around the jawline, remove the fat under the chin or in the neck, and remove the wrinkles around the mouth. In addition, it can enhance the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids and cheeks.

Before the facelift surgery

like any other surgery, you will have to stop eating after midnight the night before surgery

Some blood tests will be done

You should stop some medication like aspirin and other NSAIDs

You have to stop smoking at least for six weeks as smoking increase complications during surgery

You should stay hydrated to speed the recovery process

You’ll need to take a week off from work and rest

The Steps of the facelift

This depends on the technique used

in minimally-invasive procedures like RFAL, the surgeon applies controlled heat using a wand with a tiny probe that goes under the skin, causing the collagen under the skin to shrink. This contracts the skin itself and eliminates sagging.

If you’re going for the surgery, it would start with administering anesthesia. It can be general anesthesia or a combination of local anesthetic, mild sedatives, and light intravenous sedation depending on your case and the doctor’s judgment.

Then the surgeon makes the incisions near the top of the ear, then back into the hair for variable distances. Most often the incision goes over the edge of the tarsus, the fly of skin and cartilage in front of the ear canal rather than entirely in front of the ear. The doctor will do his best to place the incisions in places as camouflaged as possible.

Then Muscle and Connective Tissue Are Repositioned, Tightened and secured in their new position and excess skin is trimmed.

Finally, incisions are closed and you will be wakened up.


Patients who are:

  • Adults above 18 years old

  • Do not have serious diseases and are in good health

  • Non-smoker

  • Has wrinkles around the mouth, frown line, saggy skin, jowls, volume loss in the cheeks or other age induced problems in the face.

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