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The techniques for rhinoplasty

We have two major techniques when it comes to rhinoplasty. an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty

In the open rhinoplasty the surgeon makes three incisions, two are invisible within the nose and the third one is across the columella, this third one is visible and usually leaves a scar (barely seen after time). As some people consider this a disadvantage, there’s a huge benefit of this technique because it gives the surgeon the ability to clearly see the anatomy of the nose, and that’s why this technique is the first choice when the condition is complex and needs a lot of preciseness

whereas, closed rhinoplasty has no “trans-columellar” incision only the two invisible ones which means no scar at all. Plus, in this technique, the swelling and edema after the surgery are less and that’s another advantage. However, it’s limited to when the nose condition is not that complex and minimal changes are required.

Awesome Image

How the operation of rhinoplasty is done

First of all, some blood tests will be done to make sure your body is healthy and can handle the operation

Then you will go under general anesthesia, so you won’t feel anything until the procedure is done

the surgeon will start the operation making incisions depending on whether it’s an open or closed procedure. Then he’ll rise the skin to get access to the bone and cartilage underneath, both may be altered to reshape the nose depending on the case (sometimes cartilage grafts might be needed). Finally, the surgeon will close the incisions.

Before the rhinoplasty operation

At the first visit to your doctor, he will examine you and make a suitable plan for your condition and then arrange the date for the surgery and will give you some instructions like

You shouldn’t eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery as you’ll go under general anesthesia

You might need to stop some of your medications like aspirin or other NSAIDs two weeks before the surgery

You should cut smoking for two weeks before the surgery and two weeks after

The doctor will prescribe you antibiotics and pain relievers the day of the surgery

You should take 1-2 weeks off from work until you’re able to work again

Candidates for rhinoplasty

If the patient is in a good health with no serious diseases, above 18 years old

And have a wide or a big nose, had an accident and broke his/her nose, have a hump on the bridge of the nose, or suffer from a deviated septum, then the patient is a good candidate for rhinoplasty surgery.

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